The Supernatural Ozone Story

Our Mission

At Supernatural Ozone, our mission is to empower individuals on their path to healing and wellbeing. Inspired by Dr. Kerrilyn Chew's vision, we harness the potential and accessibility of ozone therapy to offer our clients an alternative avenue to allopathic health approaches. We are dedicated to fostering a community grounded in self-awareness, resilience, and the understanding that the power to heal resides within each one of us. With Supernatural Ozone, the journey towards revitalized health is within reach - it's time to revive, rejuvenate, and reclaim your health.

"Supernatural Ozone embodies a pioneering vision in health and wellness. Stemming from Dr. Kerrilyn Chew's unwavering belief in the power of self-healing, we stand as a beacon of empowerment, bringing the potential of ozone therapy to the forefront. Our mission, deeply rooted in resilience and self-awareness, is to offer a complementary path that exists beyond the boundaries of traditional healthcare.

We're not just a clinic, but a community, working together to revive vitality, rejuvenate the body, and reclaim health. At Supernatural Ozone, we celebrate each individual's unique journey towards wellness, honoring the inherent power within us all to catalyze healing and transformation.

The fascinating history of ozone therapy, from ancient civilizations to modern-day miracles.

Journey through time as we unveil the mystical properties of ozone harnessed by ancient healers and rediscovered during the Renaissance. Witness the scientific awakening and the integration of ozone therapy into modern medicine by pioneers like Nikola Tesla. Discover how ozone therapy has become a cornerstone of holistic well-being in the 20th century, with its remarkable ability to transform lives.

Today, Supernatural Ozone stands as a leading force in the ozone therapy movement. With our authoritative expertise, we empower individuals to harness the full potential of ozone therapy, transcending limitations and embracing vibrant health. Join us on this captivating exploration, where you'll gain a deep understanding of ozone therapy's power and its profound impact on holistic well-being.

Unfold the remarkable story of ozone therapy with us and embark on a transformative journey toward optimal health and vitality.

Dr. Kerrily Chew

A Visionary Leader in Health and Vitality

With an unwavering commitment to well-being, Dr. Kerrilyn Chew is a visionary in health. Drawing on expertise in transformative ozone therapy, she empowers individuals to achieve full vitality. By embracing medical ozone as prevention, Dr. Chew revolutionizes healthcare, shifting from reactive to proactive practices - shifting from top down approached to approaches that encourage personal wisdom.

Beyond treating illnesses, her mission is to educate and empower individuals to embrace vibrant health. Driven by her dedication to patients, she establishes authority through profound insights and remarkable results. As an ozone therapy trailblazer, she witnesses life-changing effects, allowing individuals to reclaim vitality, flow and thrive.

Kerrilyn's unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence make her a trusted advisor and advocate for health. Her goal is to educate and empower individuals to take responsibility of their well-being. Integrating ozone therapy as prevention, she aims to revolutionize health practices, shifting towards proactive wellness.

As a visionary leader, Dr. Kerrilyn Chew brings health optimization to the forefront. With her guidance, individuals embark on transformative journeys to brightness and well-being.

In Person Training

Nature's Miracle: Empowering Medical Sovereignty for You & Your Family.

Learn how to use the transformative power of ozone therapy for radiant health and medical sovereignty. Unveil its history, applications, safety, and more. Explore cellular mechanisms, non-IV methods, equipment overview, and diverse applications. Empower yourself and your family with the remarkable potential of ozone therapy.